I use gzip feature with following configuration.
If upstream server doesn’t make a gzip file, everything is ok and
However if upstream server makes a gzip file, NGINX always send a gzip
file to client.
in this case, NGINX doesn’t check both accep-enconding and user-agent.
On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 04:38:56AM -0500, doors wrote:
I use gzip feature with following configuration.
If upstream server doesn’t make a gzip file, everything is ok and
However if upstream server makes a gzip file, NGINX always send a gzip
file to client.
in this case, NGINX doesn’t check both accep-enconding and user-agent.
If upstream server returned gzip response - nginx won’t touch it.
It’s expected behaviour.
If you really want nginx to gunzip upstream responses - you may
install gunzip module as available here: