I did 2 of the Guided Tutorials - Programming GNU Radio in Python and
C++ and want to tell you about my experiences.
First thanks for making this tutorials! They really help me to get a
good start with GNU Radio.
Tutorial with Python: Since I don t have any programming experience in
Pyton (and C++) I really liked it that it is very detailed! Could do it
and understand everything!
Tutorial with C++: Really had problems doing this tutorial. I must admit
that my C++ knowledge is very low.
- In the tutorial there is just written to edit the and how to edit the
.cc file. But in the header there are also things to be edited. - After declaring the function get_minimum_distances in header file and
trying to compile (make) I get the error: unknown variable d_gray_code.
So I guess in the .cc file there has to be done some assignment like
d_gray_code = gray_code ? - After doing some editings in header and .cc file I managed to compile.
- To prevent any errors I copied the given (on the tutorial page) .xml
code into my .xml file. After cmake …/ → make → sudo make install
→ sudo ldconfig → restart GRC → new block did not appear ? - Maybe it s because the last 6 lines of xml file ? There appear
2 times. After editing the file made by gr_modtool with the
instructions it worked
But after having done a QA test as it is written on the tutorial I get
wrong results (AssertError). Seems that although I call
qpsk = tutorial.my_qpsk_demod_cb(gray_code) with gray_code = false
The code just enters the if clause with gray_code == true?
Do you have any idea why? Here are my files, which are nearly the same
as the ones in examples.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,