I’ve raised the issue some days ago but I haven’t received response in short, gtk2 has not gdkpixbuf2 listed as a dependency. I believe
should have - even the smallest possible sample fails if gdkpixbuf2 is
I’ve prepared a patch (included here) that includes the dependency in
rakefile (it’s ONE line of code, but still - I’ve done my homework).
Please let me know - there is maybe a good reason that I don’t know
about for
which gdkpixbuf2 shouldn’t be included.
In [email protected]
“[ruby-gnome2-devel-en] gtk2 dependency to gdkpixbuf2” on Sun, 10 Oct
2010 11:21:02 +0200,
Andrea D. [email protected] wrote:
I’ve raised the issue some days ago but I haven’t received response in short, gtk2 has not gdkpixbuf2 listed as a dependency. I believe it
should have - even the smallest possible sample fails if gdkpixbuf2 is not
Where did you summit the issue? I can’t find the issue on SF.net…
I’ve prepared a patch (included here) that includes the dependency in the
rakefile (it’s ONE line of code, but still - I’ve done my homework).
Please let me know - there is maybe a good reason that I don’t know about for
which gdkpixbuf2 shouldn’t be included.
Ruby/GdkPixbuf2 shouldn’t dependes on Ruby/GTK2. Ruby/GTK2
depends on Ruby/GdkPixbuf2 is correct.
Could you write a patch to move gdkcairo.h related codes in
rbgdk-pixbuf.c to Ruby/GTK2?
I didn’t submit the issue to the bug tracker - just here on the
mailing list: I wasn’t sure it was an issue to begin with.
Ruby/GdkPixbuf2 does not depend on Ruby/GTK2. The problem is that
does depend on Ruby/GdkPixbuf2 but, on the gem manifest, the dependency
listed and so the Ruby/GdkPixbuf2 gem does not get installed as it
should when
installing the Ruby/GTK2 gem.
The little patch I submitted (included in my last message here) was a
fix for
the gtk2 rakefile - it just added the gdkpixbuf2 dependency.
Could you write a patch to move gdkcairo.h related codes in
rbgdk-pixbuf.c to Ruby/GTK2?
I’ve taken a look at rbgdk-pixbuf.c and I believe that this is the
you’re talking about:
problem is, I have absolutely no idea where to move it. I’ve tried
rbgtk.h in
gtk2/ext with no luck. Any pointer would be appreciated - I’d like to
more about the project and be able to help but I lack the necessary
In [email protected]
“Re: [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] gtk2 dependency to gdkpixbuf2” on Thu, 14
Oct 2010 13:21:45 +0200,
Andrea D. [email protected] wrote:
and #ifdef CAIRO_AVAIABLE … #endif sections.
problem is, I have absolutely no idea where to move it. I’ve tried rbgtk.h in
gtk2/ext with no luck. Any pointer would be appreciated - I’d like to know
more about the project and be able to help but I lack the necessary knowledge.
enclosed to this mail you’ll find the patch. I tested everything on my
machine and it builds/installs fine, also my examples and the examples
gdk_pixbuf2 run fine. I really hope I didn’t break anything…
In [email protected]
“Re: [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] gtk2 dependency to gdkpixbuf2” on Thu, 14
Oct 2010 17:42:46 +0200,
Andrea D. [email protected] wrote:
enclosed to this mail you’ll find the patch. I tested everything on my
machine and it builds/installs fine, also my examples and the examples in
gdk_pixbuf2 run fine. I really hope I didn’t break anything…
I’ve applied your patch with some fixes. Please confirm it!