Whenever I have a secondary thread running when gtkmozembed is
working, the gtkmozembed emits a segmentation fault and crashes
whenever I click a link on the screen. Is there a way to resolve this?
PS. Now I use firefox 2 for this purpose, I prefer using firefox 3 if
possible. Is Gtk::MozEmbed comparible with firefox 3?
OS Linux
Ruby 1.8.7 p72
gtkmozembed (part of ruby-gnome2-all-0.18.1)
require ‘gtkmozembed’
m = Gtk::MozEmbed.new
m.chrome_mask = Gtk::MozEmbed::ALLCHROME
m.location = “http://livedoor.com”
w = Gtk::Window.new
w.resize(800, 800)
w << m
Thread.new do end # This line cases segmentation fault when I click
a link on mozembed.
Whenever I have a secondary thread running when gtkmozembed is
working, the gtkmozembed emits a segmentation fault and crashes
whenever I click a link on the screen. Is there a way to resolve this?