Gsub problem

I have spend over 4 hours for this… here is the question masters, very

now I want to print this string as
in other word I want to add comma between those ][ and make them look
like ],[
I tried gsub with hundred different possibilities but no luck,

second problem
if my the same str has
and I want to get rid of last comma from the list, I tried chop chomp
and all that but it gets ri of alot more than comma at the end. how can
I get rid of last comma from the list? from [1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1], to

any help will be appreciated.
thank you

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> str="[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],"
=> “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],”
irb(main):002:0> str.gsub(/][/, ‘],[’).sub(/,$/, ‘’)
=> “[1,2],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1]”


On Fri, 3 Mar 2006, huseyin polat wrote:

I have spend over 4 hours for this… here is the question masters, very

now I want to print this string as
in other word I want to add comma between those ][ and make them look
like ],[
I tried gsub with hundred different possibilities but no luck,

harp:~ > ruby -e’ puts("[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]".gsub(%r/][/, “],[”)) ’

second problem
if my the same str has
and I want to get rid of last comma from the list, I tried chop chomp
and all that but it gets ri of alot more than comma at the end. how can
I get rid of last comma from the list? from [1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1], to

harp:~ > ruby -e’
puts("[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],".gsub(%r/,+$/,"").gsub(%r/][/, “],[”))




irb(main):035:0* str="[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]"
=> “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]”
irb(main):036:0> str.gsub ‘][’, ‘],[’
=> “[1,2],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1]”

irb(main):037:0> str += ‘,’
=> “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],”
irb(main):038:0> str.chomp ‘,’
=> “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]”


Please try these.

  1. str.gsub(/][/, ‘],[’)

  2. str.sub(/,$/, ‘’)

Best regards,


huseyin polat wrote:

now I want to print this string as
in other word I want to add comma between those ][ and make them look
like ],[
I tried gsub with hundred different possibilities but no luck,

no need of regexps nor gsub:

str.split("][").join("],[") #=> “[1,2],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1]”


This way, to star trek…

Kent S. wrote:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> str="[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],"
=> “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],”
irb(main):002:0> str.gsub(/][/, ‘],[’).sub(/,$/, ‘’)
=> “[1,2],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1]”


Kent thank you very much,But I did that and I got
[12][2,1][3,1][4,1] it got rid of last comma but also got rid of the
first comma between 1 and 2 and print them out like 12
any clue?
thank you

Kent S. wrote:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> str="[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],"
=> “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],”
irb(main):002:0> str.gsub(/][/, ‘],[’).sub(/,$/, ‘’)
=> “[1,2],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1]”

ignore my first message please, yeah I have tried that but program still
prints out as:

no commas :frowning:

first problem:

puts “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]”.gsub(/][/, ‘],[’)

second problem: headache, im a noob on regexp

huseyin polat schrieb:

Srinivas J. wrote:

Please try these.

  1. str.gsub(/][/, ‘],[’)

  2. str.sub(/,$/, ‘’)

Best regards,


thank you JS, however it didn’r change anything.
I am still getting output as

unknown wrote:

On Fri, 3 Mar 2006, huseyin polat wrote:

I have spend over 4 hours for this… here is the question masters, very

now I want to print this string as
in other word I want to add comma between those ][ and make them look
like ],[
I tried gsub with hundred different possibilities but no luck,

harp:~ > ruby -e’ puts("[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]".gsub(%r/][/, “],[”)) ’

second problem
if my the same str has
and I want to get rid of last comma from the list, I tried chop chomp
and all that but it gets ri of alot more than comma at the end. how can
I get rid of last comma from the list? from [1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1], to

harp:~ > ruby -e’
puts("[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1],".gsub(%r/,+$/,"").gsub(%r/][/, “],[”))




thank you, however your first solution didn’t make any difference and
the second got rid of all the commas. thank you anyway.
I have tried your second comments as
str.gsub(%r/,+$/,"").gsub(%r/][/, “],[”)
I don’t know why.
thank you for trying

bluemonk wrote:

huseyin polat wrote:

now I want to print this string as
in other word I want to add comma between those ][ and make them look
like ],[
I tried gsub with hundred different possibilities but no luck,

no need of regexps nor gsub:

str.split("][").join("],[") #=> “[1,2],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1]”


This way, to star trek…

thank for post, but didn’t change anything. maybe I should post my
entire program.
anybody wants to post their email to take a look at the program ?
one more thing, I get the string from a value [1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1] that
is originally created by push an array and then copied into my hash

value.each{ |value|
print str.split("][").join("],[")

On 2-Mar-06, at 7:28 PM, Tim H. wrote:


irb(main):002:0> puts str.split(“][”).join(“],[”)
=> nil

irb(main):001:0> “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]”.gsub(/][/, ‘],[’)
=> “[1,2],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1]”

Mike S. [email protected]

The “`Stok’ disclaimers” apply.

(first problem)

Other people’s solution should work, but you don’t really need to use
regex for this one.

try this:

str = “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]”
str.gsub!(’][’, ‘],[’)

(second problem)

str = “[1, 2][2, 1][3, 1][4, 1],”
str.gsub!(/,$/, ‘’)


huseyin polat wrote:


print str.split("][").join("],[")

Here’s the output I get when I try Marco’s solution. It looks right to

iptc$ irb
irb(main):001:0> str="[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]"
=> “[1,2][2,1][3,1][4,1]”
irb(main):002:0> puts str.split("][").join("],[")
=> nil

Dear Friends, thank you very much you all Jim, daesan, Mike, Timothy,
Marco, Gregor, Srinivas, Kent and Unknown guests.
all of you guys’ solution was correct and here what I did wrong in
previous section of my code.
bighash[key]= bighash[key].push(arrtemp)
and this was putting into my hash some random numbers and at the end
when I try to print it out whole value, it was printing fine, like
[12][42][32] but when I try to print value[0] it was printing random
number and this wasn’t easy to catch since I was printing all the values
with bracets…
as soon as I have added bighash[key] = initialization,
bighash[key] =
bighash[key]= bighash[key].push(arrtemp)
all the solutions you guys posted worked out.
sorry for the headache and thank you for the support, this forum is
perfect, I will spread all my friends who are taking search engine class
with me.
thank you and have a nice day.

Several of the solutions posted should work. Time for a sanity check:
Are your sure that the input is what you think it is?
