GSoC14 MIMO Transeiver


We are students of IIIT-Hyderbad, India, doing MS By Research and are
interested in participating GSoC-14 by building GRC gr-MIMO module.

We are from communication background and have fundamental knowledge of
and OFDM. Our main research area is to use MIMO technology along with
concept of cognitive radio in Cellular network. We are well acquainted
GNU radio and USRP. We have started building our own GRC blocks. Also we
have all hardwares required for the project i.e. Ettus USRP1, USRP2,
daughter cards, antennas and currently placed order for OctoClock and N
series USRPs.

Currently we are implementing Direction Finding using Root Music
in GNU radio and are trying to build our own block. Our future plan is
implement MIMO Beamforming which is also one of ideas(MIMO Transceiver)
GSoC projects.

Below is basic idea which we are planning to implement in GSoC. It will
nice if you can share your suggestion and ideas, which will help us to
our draft proposal more meaningful for GSoC.

MRC Decoding:

GRC blocks : Channel Estimation and MRC Combiner.

A channel estimation block will use some pilot signals from transmitter
estimate channel matrix. Signals will be received from N channels and
will be combined using MRC followed by appropriate decoding. USRP
will be synchronized using MIMO Cable/ Octoclock

MIMO Beamforming:

GRC Block: Alamouti algorithm

Transmit Diversity will be achieved using Alamouti code. Symbols will be
precoded using Alamouti code and then will transmitted across two
transmitting antennas simultaneously.

USRP devices will be synchronized using MIMO Cable/ Octoclock.

Thanks and regards,
Kunal Sankhe