GRUG meeting tonight!

The GNU Radio Users Group (GRUG) meeting is tonight at the WinnForum’s

8PM in Regency C of the Hyatt Regency Crystal City (in Arlington, VA).
We’ll chat for an hour or so then head on to the pub, the Bailey’s
(otherwise known as The Fox and Hound).

Hope to see many of your there!

On 30-11-2011 10:10 AM, Tom R. wrote:

And will there be much GROG consumed at GRUG? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Since I’m local, I plan to be there!

@(^.^)@ Ed

“Tom” == Tom R. [email protected] writes:
Tom> Hope to see many of your there!

Yes, count me in.


Damn it!
Why couldn’t you have put this up yestoday? Now it’s too late to book
flight from Denmark :wink:

Have a good one

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Paul M. Bendixen
[email protected]wrote:

Damn it!
Why couldn’t you have put this up yestoday? Now it’s too late to book the
flight from Denmark :wink:

Have a good one

I announced it last week. Plenty of time for you to have flow out for
evening. Flights out of National Airport mid afternoon tomorrow.
