Grouping results by similar names

I’ve got a question that’s more to do with good old fashioned
language-agnostic computer science as it is to do with ruby (however,
i’m using ruby on rails so it’s being asked on this forum).

I have several groups of results, with group size varying from 10ish to
250ish. Within each group, i want to make subgroups according to
similar names: for example, one of my groups looks like this: the
first part, “viola”, is the name of the group, the second the name of
the item:

viola Viola - Goija playing Bach
viola Viola - Goija playing Handel - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Handel - olgagoija
viola Viola - Goija playing Handel Sonata VI (allegro) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Handel Sonata VI (largo) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Handel Sonata VI (last movement) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Schnittke (part 1 - Largo)
viola Viola - Goija playing Schnittke (part 2 - Allegro Molto) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Schnittke (part 3 - Largo) olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Schumann (Lebhaft) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Schumann (Nicht schnell) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Shostakovich - bit 1
viola Viola - Olga Goija playing Shulman (1)
viola Viola - Olga Goija playing Shulman (2)
viola Viola - Olga Goija playing Shulman (final)

In this case, i would want to make 13 groups, based on similar names,
like so:

viola Viola - Goija playing Bach

viola Viola - Goija playing Handel - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Handel - olgagoija

viola Viola - Goija playing Handel Sonata VI (allegro) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Handel Sonata VI (largo) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Handel Sonata VI (last movement) - olga

viola Viola - Goija playing Schnittke (part 1 - Largo)
viola Viola - Goija playing Schnittke (part 2 - Allegro Molto) - olga
viola Viola - Goija playing Schnittke (part 3 - Largo) olga

viola Viola - Goija playing Schumann (Lebhaft) - olga

viola Viola - Goija playing Schumann (Nicht schnell) - olga

viola Viola - Goija playing Shostakovich - bit 1

viola Viola - Olga Goija playing Shulman (1)
viola Viola - Olga Goija playing Shulman (2)
viola Viola - Olga Goija playing Shulman (final)

My first question is, what’s the best way to divide this set into
groups? They are already all ferret-indexed, so i could do fuzzy ferret
searches. One thing i was thinking was as follows (pseudocode):

for each item
for every member of every group
if the string matches according to some fixed similarity criteria
put the item in that group
matched = true
if not matched
put the item in a new group

The problem with this is deciding the fixed similarity criteria: it
might be better to do something flexible, like

for every pair of items in the group (ie size * size-1 times)
get similarity_rating and put it in a 2d array

then, analyze the array and group the highest scoring elements for each
row together (somehow).

Any thoughts?


Your second approach is not only more flexible, it has also
the advantage of clearly structuring your problems into
two different steps.

Step 1, defining a similarity_rating: Given the complexity of
your input data, you should start with something as simple
as a count of matching words, and then gradually refine.

As result, step 1 gives you a quadratic, symmetric matrix
that can be treated as if containing covariances.

Step 2, cluster variables according to their covariance matrix:
While there is no unique solution, there are several well
established procdures. Scan books on multivariate data analysis
for “cluster analysis” or similar.

Below, I add some code which I wrote a while ago for my own use -
take it for what it’s worth. A result of such a cluster analysis
is shown in - messen und deuten Resources and Information.,
page 73.

Good luck, Joachim

calculate ng*(ng-1)/2 correlation coefficients:

mg = gv.size-1
xcorr = (0…mg).collect{ (0…mg).collect { 0.0 } }
(0…mg).each do |jg|
print “correlations for #{gv[jg]}:” if verbose
(0…jg-1).each do |ig|
xcorr[jg][ig] = calc_xcorr jg, ig, vv, nq
printf " %4.2f", xcorr[jg][ig]
print “\n”

determine closest correlation and confound the two owners:

while mg>0
# determine closest correlation:
xmin = 0
imin = nil
jmin = nil
(0…mg).each do |jg|
(0…jg-1).each do |ig|
if xcorr[jg][ig]>xmin
xmin = xcorr[jg][ig]; imin = ig; jmin = jg
printf “%6.4f join #{gv[imin]} and #{gv[jmin]}\n”, xmin

# confound into imin:
(0..nq-1).each do |kq|
    y0 = vv[imin][kq]
    y1 = vv[jmin][kq]
    vv[imin][kq] =
        if y0<0
        elsif y1<0
nv[imin] = nv[imin]+nv[jmin]
gv[imin] = gv[imin]+"&"+gv[jmin]

# eliminate jmin:
gv.delete_at jmin
nv.delete_at jmin
vv.delete_at jmin
xcorr.delete_at jmin
xcorr.each do |xv|
    xv.delete_at jmin

# recalculate correlations with imin:
mg -= 1
( 0..imin-1).each{ |ig| xcorr[imin][ig] = calc_xcorr imin, ig, vv,

nq }
(imin+1…mg).each{ |jg| xcorr[jg][imin] = calc_xcorr jg, imin, vv,
nq }