Hi all,
I have the following data columns in my table:
occurred_at, name
2012-01-01, Ryan
2012-01-01, Ryan
2012-01-01, Mark
2012-01-01, Ryan
2012-01-01, Paul
2012-01-01, John
2012-02-01, Ryan
2012-02-01, Mark
2012-02-01, Ryan
2012-02-01, Mark
2012-02-01, Paul
2012-02-01, Kevin
2012-02-01, John
2012-03-01, Ryan
2012-03-01, Gary
2012-03-01, Ryan
2012-03-01, Mark
2012-03-01, Paul
2012-03-01, Kevin
2012-01-01, John
What I’m trying to do is Group the names by date and add a count and
output this to a json
{ date: 2012-01-01, ryan: 3, mark: 1, paul: 1, john: 1 },
{ date: 2012-02-01, ryan: 2, mark: 2, paul: 1, john: 1, kevin: 1 },
{ date: 2012-03-01, ryan: 2, mark: 1, paul: 1, john: 1, kevin: 1 }
I have the following code so far:
user controller
def index
@users = User.show_data
render :json
user model
def self.show_data(start = 14.months.ago)
total_users = users_by_month(start)
(start.to_date…Date.today).map do |date|
occurred_at: date,
total_users[date].name.to_sym: total_users[count],
def self.users_by_month(start)
users = where(occurred_at: start.beginning_of_day…Time.zone.now )
users = users.group(“date(occurred_at)”)
users = orders.select(“occurred_at, count(name) as user_name”)
users.each_with_object({}) do |user, names|
names[user.occurred_at.to_date] = user.user_name
Thanks in advance,