Great news from acts_as_conference

Hey all,

A quick acts_as_conference update. We are happy to announce the

  1. InfoQ Ruby editor Robert B. posted an interview about
    acts_as_conference ::
    Talking about Acts_As_Conference with Robert Dempsey
  2. Charity Session :: EngineYard is giving away a FREE, 3-slice
    configuration for one lucky charity session attendee
  3. Railsmachine Party :: Railsmachine is going to have a party on
    Saturday the 9th for conference attendees - these are always HOT
  4. Apress :: is providing great giveaways for the conference

And if that isn’t enough, we have one more huge giveaway to announce
as well. Stay tuned.

acts_as_conference ::
Charity Session ::

Register today and win! Happy new year to all of our fellow Rails


Will the presentations be available for download later? Specially this
one: “Adding Media to Your Rails Application”…

Cheers, Sazima