Great Lakes Ruby Bash - Speaker Form Error

This message is intended for anyone who has submitted a speaker
proposal to Great Lakes Ruby Bash via the online form.

It seems that a bad version of the form somehow got deployed that was
causing submissions to bounce. Because of this, if you’ve submitted a
talk proposal via the web form and haven’t heard back from a real
person, please resubmit it by filling out the form at
. Alternatively, if you received an email from the form system
before, you’re welcome to forward that email to
[email protected]

Additionally, if you submitted a talk proposal and have heard back
from us that your talk has been accepted, please make sure to contact
us as soon as possible to confirm so we can get you on the schedule.

We will wait until 11:59PM on Friday October 3 to make our final talk
decisions due to this error. Talks will be announced on Saturday,
October 4.

I apologize to anyone who has been affected by this bug.


Brandon D.