GRC: gr_trancendental.xml

dear list readers,

with GNU Radio Companion v3.6.3-35-g4435082f compiled via build-gnuradio
using transcendental grc-block gives the following error

ValueError: itemsize mismatch: throttle(14):0 using 8,
transcendental(13):0 using 16

This showed to me, that the transcendental block uses an unexpexted data

In the explanations for the block I found:
Possible function names can be found in the cmath library. IO may be
either complex or real, double or single precision.

Possible type strings: float, double, complex_float, complex_double


I enclosed a diff, applied the the origirnal, works for me

< Complex_double
< complex_double
< type:complex
< complex_float


< Float_double
< float_double
< type:float

may be I am wrong; or newer versions have corrected the error or no one
else has tested this function unter GRC…

to clarify that: I enclosed the new gr_transcendental.xml

hopefully this applies to those who did not explore the work around by

Michael H.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael H.
Labor Hochspannungstechnik / Labor elektrische Messtechnik
Neustadtswall 30; D-28199 Bremen
Tel +49 421 5905-3444 FAX +49 421 5905-3476

Can you post the flow graph?
We don’t really ever use complex_double, so this seems wrong.


On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 08:29:30PM +0100, Michael H. wrote:

This showed to me, that the transcendental block uses an unexpexted data
I enclosed a diff, applied the the origirnal, works for me

else has tested this function unter GRC…
Neustadtswall 30; D-28199 Bremen
Tel +49 421 5905-3444 FAX +49 421 5905-3476

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