I just uploaded Grammar 0.8.1 here:
I mainly put performance into this release. Benchmarking JSON parsers
various parser generators, here is how it looks:
5.04M/s Grammar/Ruby2CExt(hacked) 0.8.1
4.62M/s Ragel/C (the json gem - cext)
2.88M/s Grammar/Ruby2CExt 0.8.1
1.36M/s Grammar/Ruby2CExt 0.8
457K/s Grammar/Ruby 0.8.1
413K/s Grammar/Ruby 0.8
291K/s RACC/ext
83.6K/s RACC/ruby
11.9K/s Treetop
5.07K/s GhostWheel
2.29K/s Peggy
About 1000X faster when compared to packrat parsers (the last 3).
I’ll try to work with Dominick Bathon to get my “hacks” into the
project - at least as plugins.