GRAILS, great RoR competitor?

Have you ever heard about Grails ?

Its RoR written in Java and Groovy, (Java scripting language)

Looks like it performs much better than RoR in almost every aspect.
Im seriously considering switch to Grails now.

i was java developer who switched to ruby and rails some time ago, but
now im considering switching back…

if you can, please give me reasons not to do that (i dont like to learn
new scripting language again…)

what do you think about Grails anyway ?

best regards

Piotr N. schrieb:

(i dont like to learn new scripting language again…)

me either, so you have the number one reason already mentioned.

best regards

matthibcn pisze:

Piotr N. schrieb:

(i dont like to learn new scripting language again…)

me either, so you have the number one reason already mentioned.

yes but im taking all goodies into account when switching to new lang -
all java libraries and stuff. i think its worth, especially groovy is
very like ruby at the first sight…

Playing devil’s advocate, you can get all the java bells and whistles by
using JRuby…


I never really get these kind of posts. If GRAILS works for you, go
for it. You should check into the community to see if you’ll get the
same level of support as this fine community.

As for me, I’m working on getting out of Java once and for all. Once
I’m out I never go back there again. At least that’s the plan.