I was wondering if someone could provide the following file? I went to
that location however gr-trellis.html is not there. I read about this
in the readme file of the gr-trellis example directrory. There was
gr-trellis.xml but Internet Explorer won’t display it and notepad is
too painful. Also, any other documentation on gr-trellis would be most
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 02:48:40PM -0500, w w wrote:
I was wondering if someone could provide the following file? I went to
that location however gr-trellis.html is not there. I read about this doc
in the readme file of the gr-trellis example directrory. There was
gr-trellis.xml but Internet Explorer won’t display it and notepad is just
too painful. Also, any other documentation on gr-trellis would be most
I recommend building the docs yourself using ./configure
–enable-doxygen. That way you always have the docs matching your
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