Gr-mac in MacPorts

After hearing from a few OSX users this afternoon at GRCon14 that they
were having issues getting gr-mac to build or function, I decided to get
it into MacPorts. Thus, after a little work and a couple patches, it is
now in and seemingly functional as of r125409 <
Changeset 125409 – MacPorts > and will be live as of
about 11:30 PM/US/Eastern. To get this module, you’ll want to do:
sudo port selfupdate
and then you can install it via:
sudo port install gr-mac
Please follow the install instructions provided at the end of the
| Before gr-mac will work correctly, you will need to execute
| /opt/local/bin/grcc /opt/local/share/examples/mac/gmsk_radio.grc
| and
| /opt/local/bin/grcc /opt/local/share/examples/mac/ofdm_radio.grc
| as the user for which you want to use gr-mac.

Have fun! - MLD

Thanks for adding this support Michael!


On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Michael D.
[email protected]


Thanks for the rapid response!

Did a sync and tried installing it, and got the following
error while it was working off the dependencies:

[eds-mac:edwardc] edwardc% sudo port
MacPorts 2.2.1
Entering interactive mode… (“help” for help, “quit” to quit)
[edwardc] > install gr-mac
—> Computing dependencies for libidn
—> Fetching archive for libidn
—> Installing icu @53.1_1
—> Cleaning icu
—> Deactivating icu @51.2_1
—> Cleaning icu
—> Activating icu @53.1_1
—> Cleaning icu
Error: Unable to open port: can’t read “configure.cxx_stdlib”: no such
Error: Unable to execute port: upgrade gnuradio failed

Ed and I talked off-list, but for those interested this type of error
generally means that the installed version of MacPorts is too old and
needs updating. In this specific case, “configure.cxx_stdlib” was added
in the 2.3 release. Thus, if the dports tree was updated but ‘port’ was
not, then this error would be produced. - MLD