Volker (dl1ksv) and I fixed the build issues with gr-fcdproplus on OSX
in the past couple of days, and this morning I pushed the gr-fcdproplus
port to MacPorts < Changeset 116194 – MacPorts >; I also
changed the gr-osmosdr port to by default include this new gr-fcdproplus
port < Changeset 116196 – MacPorts >. These changes
should be live by 10:30 AM/US/ET. I do not have a FCD of any type
(normal, pro+, whatever) on which to do testing … so, anyone out there
with one I’d love to hear some feedback if these changes work for you.
If things don’t work with gr-fcdproplus or gr-osmosdr on OSX please be
in contact with me and we’ll try to get things fixed up. Happy hacking!
On 21 jan 2014, at 15:55, Michael D. [email protected] wrote:
Volker (dl1ksv) and I fixed the build issues with gr-fcdproplus on OSX in the
past couple of days, and this morning I pushed the gr-fcdproplus port to MacPorts
< Changeset 116194 – MacPorts >; I also changed the gr-osmosdr port
to by default include this new gr-fcdproplus port <
Changeset 116196 – MacPorts >. These changes should be live by
10:30 AM/US/ET. I do not have a FCD of any type (normal, pro+, whatever) on which
to do testing … so, anyone out there with one I’d love to hear some feedback if
these changes work for you. If things don’t work with gr-fcdproplus or gr-osmosdr
on OSX please be in contact with me and we’ll try to get things fixed up. Happy
hacking! - MLD
I just tried it with my Funcube Dongle Pro+ with the following command:
osmocom_fft -a fcd,device=hw:2,type=2
It works fine.