HI List,
I get a USRP + DSBRX. Now I need to buy an active antenna for GPS, but I
don’t know how to bias it. Can anyone helps me?
Davide “Rocker” Anastasia
Web: www.davideanastasia.com
Luke Skywalker:
Alright, I’ll give it a try.
No! Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.
Davide A.
web: http://www.davideanastasia.com/
email: [email protected]
You can do this externally by putting in a bias-tee in the RF line prior
to input to the USRP. I’ve personally used the following from
Or if you want to take a more risky route, on the DBSRX daughterboard
there is header to input a DC voltage. I’m trying to do the same thing
(GPS with the DBSRX & USRP), and am not going to risk frying something
at this point. Hope this helps.
Gregory W Heckler wrote:
There are 2 ways to use the built-in bias tee on the DBSRX –
1 - If you want to supply your own voltage, apply it to J100. Put + and
GND on the marked pins
2 - If you want to use the onboard 5V regulated supply, DON’T connect to
J100. Instead, place a short across the pins of J101. The board is
unfortunately labeled “6V”, but it is actually a regulated 5V.