Hi folks, I’m forwarding from the NYC.rb mailing list on behalf of the
GoRuCo organizers
Hi there, some reminders on our regional Ruby conference in April:
- There are less than two weeks left to submit your proposal.
We are reserving three spots for speakers from New York, New Jersey
and New Haven – that means most of you. So if you’re thinking of
submitting a proposal, please do give it a shot: We’ve stacked the
odds in your favor. And speakers at GoRuCo get free admission and a
$100 honorarium to boot.
- We’ll be opening registrations next Tuesday evening.
We haven’t decided exactly what time that will be, but it will be
sometime this Tuesday evening. We have no way of knowing what the
demand will be, but keeping in mind that there are 120 seats at this
conference, it probably wouldn’t hurt to get your tickets as soon as
Francis H.