Google AI Challenge at U of Waterloo

Contest runs from 4 February to 26 February 2010.

You may choose a programming language, such as
Java, C++, Python, Ruby or Haskell.

See details at

Bonne Chance!


On Feb 6, 7:02 am, Forthminder [email protected] wrote:


I find out that
I was a donkie
I was hooked up
Screwed up
And Haskel was there at that time
He got anrgy, pity
For my stupidity
All for best
Simulation for good alone


Sweet, something to keep my brain busy for the next couple of weeks.

Forthminder wrote:

Ignore. Well-known nut. See
The Arthur T. Murray/Mentifex FAQ

    John Nagle

On 06-Feb-10 08:02, Forthminder wrote:

Contest runs from 4 February to 26 February 2010.
Bonne Chance!

It’s definitely not exactly a programming challenge, but algorithm

A programming (only) challenge should only require the players to write
codes to implement an algorithm.

This one requires both algorithm design & programming.

John Nagle wrote:

Forthminder wrote:

Ignore. Well-known nut. See
The Arthur T. Murray/Mentifex FAQ

That was unnecessary. Whether or not he’s a nut, the challenge he’s
promoting (and not clearly otherwise affiliated with) seems to be

    John Nagle

Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

“Man-wai Chang to The Door (24000bps)” [email protected] writes:

It’s definitely not exactly a programming challenge, but algorithm
A programming (only) challenge should only require the players to
write codes to implement an algorithm.

Eh? Just about every interesting programming challenge is mostly about
algorithm selection. Try some Project Euler for example.

Eh? Just about every interesting programming challenge is mostly about
algorithm selection. Try some Project Euler for example.

Everyone back then has abused the “programming” word to meant doing
everything (algorithms (system analysis & design), data structures,
coding, testing, documentation, auditing, …) at cheap
salaries+benefits and tight schedules!

On Feb 5, 11:18Â pm, “Man-wai Chang to The Door (24000bps)”
[email protected] wrote:

codes to implement an algorithm.

This one requires both algorithm design & programming.

  @~@  Might, Courage, Vision, SINCERITY.
 / v \  Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and Farce be with you!
/( _ )\ (x86_64 Ubuntu 9.10) Â Linux
  ^ ^  12:16:01 up 6 days 20:22 2 users load average: 0.45 0.26 0.09
不借貸! 不詐騙! 不援交! 不打交! 不打劫! 不自殺! 請考慮綜援 (CSSA):

Hello, this is Jeff Cameron, the organizer of the Google AI Challenge.
I’m glad to see all this interest in our humble little contest. I wish
you all the best of luck, and encourage everyone to try their hand at
writing an AI for Tron!

Hello, this is Jeff Cameron, the organizer of the Google AI Challenge.
I’m glad to see all this interest in our humble little contest. I wish
you all the best of luck, and encourage everyone to try their hand at
writing an AI for Tron!

Someone please dumb the Tron ROM from the MAME32 project and use it as
baseline answer. :slight_smile:

Google AI Challenge post-mortem report by the winner is at
