Good tutorial for RSpec With Rails 3


I am looking for a good free tutorial which implements RSpec with Rails
3. I have found many tutorials which work for Rails 2.x but leads you
into issues when trying the same in Rails 3. Rspec Gem also has updated
, coming off the age… Leading into compatibility issues.

I am able to setup RSpec in my app but I can’t fix issues I am getting
into. Its like i am implementing a customized app without get an overall
idea of what changes I would have to carefully incorporate due to usage
of the latest Rails ( say 3.0 ) and the latest RSpec gem 2.5. I am also
making use of rspec-rails 2.5 gem.

Such tutorials( based on earlier versions of Rails and Rspec ) I have
seen so far include:

I am unable to find Part 2 of David’s tutorial also. I wonder where I
could find that.

I also have seen a similar questions on like:-

Rails: Good Rspec2 example usage? (Also: Cucumber, Pickle, Capybara)

The only free tutorial relevant to Rspec with Rails 3 that I could find
so far is:-

I am using ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3.0.3 along with Ubuntu 10.04 .

Thanks for any suggestions you can help me with.

I recommend getting a copy of The RSpec Book (
Pragmatic Bookshelf: By Developers, For Developers). I read through
when I was fairly new to RSpec and I think it helped ramp up quickly.

Jon Homan

I understand you’re looking for ‘free’ tutorials but I would really
advise you check out Michael H.'s series. I’m not affiliated
with this in any way, but I watched
them recently (more for the Rails 3 info than RSpec) and found the use
RSpec and test-first development (not /really/ TDD) to be worth the
alone - there are so many rspec-rails specific gotchas that you just
even think about when using naked RSpec.

The screencast + PDF combination represent excellent value for money
(currently $95); which you should easily make back when you deploy your
first killer Rails app. :slight_smile:



Hi Jon,

Thanks for your recommendation.

Jon Homan wrote in post #986735:

I recommend getting a copy of The RSpec Book (
Pragmatic Bookshelf: By Developers, For Developers). I read through
when I was fairly new to RSpec and I think it helped ramp up quickly.

Jon Homan

Hi James,

Thanks for your suggestion.

James M. wrote in post #986783:

I understand you’re looking for ‘free’ tutorials but I would really
advise you check out Michael H.'s series. I’m not affiliated
with this in any way, but I watched
them recently (more for the Rails 3 info than RSpec) and found the use
RSpec and test-first development (not /really/ TDD) to be worth the
alone - there are so many rspec-rails specific gotchas that you just
even think about when using naked RSpec.

The screencast + PDF combination represent excellent value for money
(currently $95); which you should easily make back when you deploy your
first killer Rails app. :slight_smile:

