Gnuradio in Fedora 10... what did go wrong in my installation?

Hello G.s,

I have been trying to get the Gnuradio 3.2 installed on Fedora 10
machines and I guess I am getting close except for some few things I
need to fix with your help.

The problem is : the ./ demo does not work (no tone is heard
and only a random number of ‘aU’ characters are displayed followed by a

Now I believe there are some problems in my installations. I have
attached the whole log of the:

  • ./configure --with-boost=$BOOST_PREFIX
  • make
  • make install

From what I saw during the building with make, I got the following

sh: latex: command not found
Problems running latex. Check your installation or look for typos in
_formulas.tex and check _formulas.log!
sh: dvips: command not found
Problems running dvips. Check your installation!

However, I resumed with make install and got also few “libtool: install:
warning: relinking” warnings.

So would anybody help me what went wrong with my installation that did
not let me get the simple dial_tone demo to work?

I think there is a problem in your GNU Radio installation. in Fedora 10
boost is version 1.43 but GNU Radio 3.2.2 needs boost version 1.35 or
higher . the best way to solve you problem, as I did as the following:
1- Download boost from

2- extract the file some where. and … cd boost_1_37_0
3- ./configure --prifex=/usr/local , then make, then sudo
make install
that will install boost in the default directory /usr/local/

4- after that go to gnuradio and do
sudo make install

That will solve your problem as solved to me
Good luck

I think there is a problem in your GNU Radio installation. in Fedora 10
boost is version 1.43 but GNU Radio 3.2.2 needs boost version 1.35 or
higher . the best way to solve you problem, as I did as the following:
1- Download boost from

2- extract the file some where. and … cd boost_1_37_0
3- ./configure --prifex=/usr/local , then make, then sudo
make install
that will install boost in the default directory /usr/local/

4- after that go to gnuradio and do
./bootstrap ./configure
sudo make install

That will solve your problem as solved to me
Good luck

How can I verify the installation other than the dialtone? any usrp application. I am kinda newbie to GNURADIO and not sure which application can do a sanity installation check? any advice?
Enter this command into the terminal:

$ grc

Hello Alaelddin,

You are absolutely right about the problem of Boost libraries problem. I
really suggest the gnuradio team to mention this point into the Fedora
installation steps on the website. However, I already did that and moved
all the way to complete system installation. If I did not fix the boost
library version, the configure step would not even complete. In fact, I
followed the steps mentioned in README.boost file.

Do you think the the errors below are caused by the boost library:
sh: latex: command not found
Problems running latex. Check your installation or look for typos in
_formulas.tex and check _formulas.log!
sh: dvips: command not found
Problems running dvips. Check your installation!

It does not look so!

How can I verify the installation other than the dialtone? any usrp
application. I am kinda newbie to GNURADIO and not sure which
application can do a sanity installation check? any advice?

Kind regards,
Yahia Tachwali

From: Alaelddin Fuad Yousif Mohammed [[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 4:12 PM
To: Tachwali, Yahia; [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gnuradio in Fedora 10… what did go
wrong in my installation?

I think there is a problem in your GNU Radio installation. in Fedora 10
boost is version 1.43 but GNU Radio 3.2.2 needs boost version 1.35 or
higher . the best way to solve you problem, as I did as the following:
1- Download boost from

2- extract the file some where. and … cd boost_1_37_0
3- ./configure --prifex=/usr/local , then make, then sudo
make install
that will install boost in the default directory /usr/local/

4- after that go to gnuradio and do
./bootstrap ./configure
sudo make install

That will solve your problem as solved to me
Good luck

I believe I got everything working now. I was missing few export
statement as per Josh B. instructions in :

Thanks alot all for the help :slight_smile:

Kind regards,
Yahia Tachwali

From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+ytachwali=removed_email_address@domain.invalid
[discuss-gnuradio-bounces+ytachwali=removed_email_address@domain.invalid] On Behalf Of Josh
Blum [[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 11:51 PM
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gnuradio in Fedora 10… what did go
wrong in my installation?

How can I verify the installation other than the dialtone? any usrp application. I am kinda newbie to GNURADIO and not sure which application can do a sanity installation check? any advice?
Enter this command into the terminal:

$ grc

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