Gnuradio and Uhd on windows,

Hi Marcus,

yes you are right, anyway it was my first post :). So regarding the
and UHD. As I wrote before I installed everything I found on When I run from command line
uhd_find_devices.exe nothing happend, no error, nothing. If itwould
some error messages maybe I could solve it, but nothing, the situation
is the
same for the uhd_usrp_probe.exe.

I don’t know what could be wrong with it, anyway I will write down in a
points what I have done:

  1. Install gnuradio_deps-b1_44_r0-win32.exe
  2. Install gnuradio-v3.3.1git-993-g082e85a-win32.exe
  3. Install UHD-003.000.001-win32.exe
  4. Unrar libusb_2010.10.06.7z
  5. Unrar
  6. Unrar
  7. Unrar cppunit-1.12.1.tar.gz
  8. Install gsl-1.8.exe
  9. Unrar and install
  10. Install python-2.7.1.msi
  11. Install pygtk-all-in-one-2.22.6.win32-py2.7.msi
  12. Install numpy-1.5.1-win32-superpack-python2.7.exe
  13. Install PyQt4.Qwt5-5.2.1.win32-py27.exe
  14. Install PyQt-Py2.7-x86-gpl-4.8.2-1.exe
  15. Install setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.7.exe
  16. I got the usrp1_fpga.rbf and usrp1_fw.ihx, both are placed into a

Each of these are installed or unrared into a folder named USRP1Env, in

I set in User Variables the following values.
In PATH variable I set:

  1. …\USRP1Env\fftw-3.2.2.pl1-dll32\

  2. …\USRP1Env\gnuradiodeps\lib\ - it containes cppunit_dll, qwt5,
    libraries, libfftw3l-3, libgsl, libusb-1.0

  3. …\USRP1Env\libusb\MS32\dll\

  4. …\USRP1Env\gnuradio33\lib\

  5. …\USRP1Env\gsl18\bin\

  6. …\USRP1Env\Python27\Lib

  7. …\USRP1Env\UHD\lib

in the PYONPATH variable I set:

  1. …\USRP1Env\Python27\Lib\site-packages.

When I connect my USRP1 to PC I can see it in Device Manager as “Ettus
LLC USRP1”, but when trying the uhd_find_devices.exe and
nothing happend.

Could you tell me please if there is anything missing or not set as
needed, or
maybe I didn’t understood perfectly how this whole UHD, GNURADIO, USRP
thing is
working. Anyway there is any good tutorial or something similar for
this, where
is presented step by step the whole installation process and the first
configuration of an example. Maybe for people like you there’s no
problem to
install all these development tools and to make interesting projects but
for me
and others who are starting to use UHD, GNURADIO it’s quite difficult.
If there
were such kind of tutorial this whole forum wouldn’t be full of
questions from
begginers related to different installation issues.

Thank you very very much for your answer.


So two problems:

  1. It looks like you are not finding devices. The only thing you need to
    deal with is uhd. Even libusb is statically linked into uhd, so you dont
    even need to install that. Gnuradio and its dependencies are irrelevant
    to this.

This installer has been confirmed working on windows 7 machines:

ALso, you will also need to install the usb driver:

From your email, it looks like you did those things. When you run
uhd_find_devices, the driver will actually load a firmware image and
reset the USRP (if this is the first time it was powered up). You should
see the device disconnect and connect when this happens. Anything like
that happening?

I can’t think of what else would be the issue. Are you running from a
virtual machine? Windows 7 VM + USRP has been personally giving me bad
luck. What OS do you have? I think XP will work, but I don’t think
anyone has confirmed it.

  1. As far as the gnuradio cmake port goes. I need to build a new
    installer that will be ABI compatible with the current UHD releases. It
    might be now but I’m not sure. If you figure out the usb issue, I can
    put together a new installer pretty quick. In the long run, I want to
    integrate it into a CI system to build everything automatically.

Another issue is that the instructions on my personal wiki are not too
clear. They should be updated, and maybe on the gnuradio wiki, but thats
up to the gurus.

So, if you use the binary installer, you only need the dependencies from

The other directory is only needed if you are compiling gnuradio:

Teaser screenshot:


FYI, I uploaded a new gnuradio installer for windows, and added
instructions which can be found here:


On 04/15/2011 04:39 PM, Mark Colin wrote:

Hi Josh,

...YUPEEEEEEEEE finally it's working :), it recognized my USRP1. The

Gnuradio Companion is working, too. Thanks Josh for your support, finally I will
be able to start real code development. Anyway as a first step should be
resolved the problem related to hardcoded paths, maybe I will solve that after I
will check source code.

When you transplant a gnuradio install, the hardcoded path problem
effects where gnuradio looks for conf files and where grc looks for xml
block files and documentation.

You can set some environment variables to fix the GRC issues, and I
think the gnuradio conf stuff will be ok since it will just use the

GRC_BLOCKS_PATH may need to be set, I think thats all you might need.


When you transplant a gnuradio install, the hardcoded path problem
effects where gnuradio looks for conf files and where grc looks for xml
block files and documentation.

You can set some environment variables to fix the GRC issues, and I
think the gnuradio conf stuff will be ok since it will just use the

GRC_BLOCKS_PATH may need to be set, I think thats all you might need.

Just to give an update on this. The current installer now adds itself to
the path and automatically sets the necessary environment variables for
“transplanted installs”. This way, grc can find the blocks and doxygen

So you can install uhd and gnuradio + all of its dependencies entirely
from exe installers, and the only thing you need to do post install is
set the PYTHONPATH. Basically environment variables are easy to set but
harder to append to from NSIS. I would like to solve that too…

Basically, the CMake NSIS template already has code for appending to the
PATH, so it may just be an issue of making a custom NSIS template and
duplicating the addtopath function to also handle PYTHONPATH.

I updated the instructions and installers here:

Also, the PyQWT installer I found has busted slider support. If anybody
can find or make a windows installer for PyQWT + python2.7 that isnt
busted, that would be great!
