“Summer of Code 2006 is a program that offers student developers
stipends to create new open source programs or to help currently
established projects. Google will be working with a variety of open
source, free software, and technology-related groups to identify and
fund several hundred projects over a three-month period.”
The GNU Project is registered as a mentor organization, so if there is
any student who would want to do some a work on GNURadio, it probably
wouldn’t be a bad idea to apply. There are already many project
suggestions, but maybe you get lucky…? The deadline is May 8.
On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 09:17:21PM +0200, Andreas S. wrote:
suggestions, but maybe you get lucky…? The deadline is May 8.
Looks like a good program. I’m signed up to mentor, and Matt will
back me up.
In the suggested projects department:
Build decent GUI around one or more GNU Radio apps. This could
include a basic AM/FM/NBFM receiver/scanner.
Build decent GUI for an “amateur transceiver”. Including features
such as Tx/Rx frequency split for talking on repeaters, etc. Could
optionally handle digital voice, etc. We’ve got most of the guts
working, but no GUI.
Pretty much anything anybody wants to work on, e.g., signal
processing, new mods/demods, …