I updated the MacPorts install for GNU Radio to reflect the new 3.7.0
release and changes to the master and next branches. Here are the new
ports (and, some related):
gnuradio-legacy: the latest 3.6.5 release (currently
gnuradio: the current release (3.7.0 right now).
gnuradio-devel: the current ‘master’ branch (3.7.1.git.2c05acc1 from
2013-06-29 right now). -
gnuradio-next: the current ‘next’ branch (3.8.0.git.eada0d6f from
2013-06-29 right now).
If you use OSMOSDR, then you’ll need the version that matches that from
a gnuradio port:
gr-osmosdr-legacy: the current ‘gr3.6’ branch; must use
gr-osmosdr-legacy too. -
gr-osmosdr: the current ‘master’ branch; can use gnuradio or
gnuradio-devel, but not gnuradio-next (at least for now).
Since there is no real “release” version of gr-osmosdr, there are just
the 2 options. All of the gnuradio* and gr-osmosdr* ports use the same
variant names including +full.
If you are trying out the new HackRF Jawbreaker, their GNU Radio
interface is provided by gr-osmosdr* using the +hackrf variant, or
directly via the hackrf port which is kept up with their master branch.
Happy GNU Radio hacking on OSX! - MLD