Hi, got some questions
- Can GNURadio run on OpenSUSE Linux
- Can GNURadio work with RTL SDR dongles ?
- What can you do with the output of GNU Radio
For instance, other than listening , can you
decode AX25
decode PSK31
visualise the audio like on a scope
do a spectral display
decode ADS-B
decode AIS
decode pagers
Andrew VK4TEC
On 01/25/2014 04:59 PM, Andrew R. wrote:
Hi, got some questions
- Can GNURadio run on OpenSUSE Linux
- Can GNURadio work with RTL SDR dongles ?
- What can you do with the output of GNU Radio
For instance, other than listening , can you
decode AX25 decode PSK31
visualise the audio like on a scope
do a spectral display
decode ADS-B
decode AIS
decode pagers
Andrew VK4TEC
Gnu Radio is primarily a development framework for host-based DSP,
mostly from SDR radio hardware. It isn’t a “plug and play” application
“casual airwave surfing”, although such applications have been
written using the Gnu Radio DSP framework, such as GQRX.
If you can manipulate a signal using a formal mathematical model, you
can use Gnu Radio to process that signal.
I’d suggest starting at: www.gnuradio.org