Gnu Radio on F14

Got my F14 system together today, and build Gnu Radio, with UHD from the
latest GIT source.

It went without incident.

My new F14 machine is an x86_64 machine, an AMD Phenom X3, with 4GB of

F14 is running python2.7, so I had to update my .bashrc to reflect this.

Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium


I’m curious about that last statement you made, “F14 is running
python2.7, so I had to update my .bashrc to reflect this”. I might be
running Fedora 14 with GNU Radio 3.3.0 soon too, so I’m curious what you
had to change in your .bashrc file.

Also, I noticed that you did NOT use GNU Radio 3.3.0, but rather you
used the latest branch in Git. What branch specifically did you use? I
guess I will need to do the same.

Fedora 14 uses gcc version 4.5.1, right?


Steve McMahon

On 11/16/2010 02:48 PM, Steve M. wrote:


I’m curious about that last statement you made, “F14 is running python2.7, so I
had to update my .bashrc to reflect this”. I might be running Fedora 14 with GNU
Radio 3.3.0 soon too, so I’m curious what you had to change in your .bashrc file.

I had to change my PYTHONPATH to reflect the new version of Python:




depending on whether you’re on a 64 or 32-bit machine.

I’ve attached a little shell script that can set the PYTHONPATH
appropriately, by finding
the appropriate bits dynamically.

Also, I noticed that you did NOT use GNU Radio 3.3.0, but rather you used the
latest branch in Git. What branch specifically did you use? I guess I will need to
do the same.

I use the “next” branch, because I’m a UHD user.

Fedora 14 uses gcc version 4.5.1, right?



Thanks for your help and feedback, and for the script.
I really appreciate you taking the time.

One more question: Since I am not a UHD user and I use my USRP2 with raw
Ethernet, which Git branch should I use?

Thanks again!

Steve McMahon

I built a gnuradio-3.3.0 source RPM for F14. You can download it here

Use yum-builddep gnuradio to install all of the build dependencies.

Since I haven’t set up my packages to be signed, I’m not providing
binaries. I sent this to the package maintainer, but it may never get
included in the official repos.

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Steve M.
[email protected] wrote:


Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
Discuss-gnuradio Info Page

University of Michigan, Department of Electrical Engineering, PhD