GNU Radio in Drones

Hello everyone:

I’m Jalil Modares, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at UB.
We are working on an US Air Force funded project named UB-ANC, which is
about Airborne Networks and Communications (ANC), and tries to boost the
airborne network performance. It includes three custom built drones
which are programmed to do autonomous, multi-agent tasks, like mapping
and exploring. Each drone is equipped with an E310 USRP, and uses GNU
Radio platform for communication, networking and signal processing.
There is a technical report that describes the project in more detail,
which can be found here:

The UB-ANC Emulator (which simulates the behavior of agents in the
environment before any actual test), and UB-ANC Agent are open source
and they also can be found here:

I hope it can help open source projects in Qt, GNU Radio and Drone
