GNU Radio final release candidate 3.3.0-rc3 available for download

GNU Radio release 3.3.0-rc3 is available for download:

MD5 sums:

88913fb0417c3d6ef7b33e631674c4cf gnuradio-3.3.0-rc3.tar.gz

GIT changelog:

Release 3.3.0-rc3

Johnathan C. (4):
build: refactor GR_GIT and GR_VERSION
Make C++ shared libraries versioned
howto: make versioned libraries
Update revision to 3.3.0-rc3

This is anticipated to be the last release candidate before release
3.3.0. Please test this thoroughly.

NOTE: This release candidate implements versioned C++ shared
libraries. The version of GNU Radio is now encoded into the filename
of all shared libraries installed into $prefix/lib. This makes it
very important to perform the ‘make uninstall’ operation prior to
installing GNU Radio from distribution tarballs or via a GIT checkout,
as new release versions of these libraries will no longer overwrite
the old ones when doing a ‘make install’.

Johnathan C.

3.3.0-rc3 still passes “make check” on OSX; I can’t test further,
really, but previous candidates did work so this one probably does
too. Still does not pass “make distcheck”; errors on in gr-qtgui, as
it did before (see below for error message). BTW> gr-qtgui is not
enabled; as before the Qt stuff is installed under strange names &
hence not found. Either way, the error below should be avoidable; I
don’t have time to work on this, and it’s not critical for the release
of 3.3.0 … but it should be in the queue to be corrected. - MLD

/bin/rm -f .deps/qtgui.d
cp .deps/qtgui.Std .deps/qtgui.d
echo “” >> .deps/qtgui.d
/opt/local/bin/gsed -e ‘1d;s, \,g;s, ,g’ < .deps/qtgui.Std |
awk ‘{ printf “%s:\n\n”, $0 }’ >> .deps/qtgui.d
/bin/rm -f .deps/qtgui.Std
touch .deps/qtgui-generate-stamp
make[3]: DQT_SHARED: Command not found
make[3]: [] Error 127 (ignored)

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 01:00:48PM -0600, Michael D. wrote:

make[3]: DQT_SHARED: Command not found
make[3]: [] Error 127 (ignored)

FWIW, it looks like the DQT_SHARED flag is missing the leading ‘-’
i.e., -DQT_SHARED, and/or there’s a missing \ somewhere in some
definition somewhere, and/or the variable with the command (not
visible in the output), has a null value.

Tom, if you get a chance, can you take a look at this?


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:27, Eric B. [email protected] wrote:

FWIW, it looks like the DQT_SHARED flag is missing the leading ‘-’
i.e., -DQT_SHARED, and/or there’s a missing \ somewhere in some
definition somewhere, and/or the variable with the command (not
visible in the output), has a null value.

Tom, if you get a chance, can you take a look at this?

This appears to originate in line 79 of gr-qtui/src/lib/
There is a variable $(QT_MOC_EXEC) which is null when QT is not
installed on the machine. I not sure this line should even be
executed in this scenario, however, so it seems the real issue is

This particular has been fragile in this area in the past;
it’s another consequence of the requirement for QT apps to use a
pre-compiler to process header files. We may be better off putting
the generated files under version control.

Fortunately, ‘make distcheck’ is intended for maintainers and hackers
on GNU Radio itself, and not really an issue for end users that are
only compiling and installing so they can write their own code on top
of the GNU Radio API. So, as Michael said, it’s probably not a
release issue. If Tom can straighten it out, great. But it’s a risky
area of change that should get all its corner cases verified before


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Michael D. [email protected]

/bin/rm -f .deps/qtgui.d
make[3]: DQT_SHARED: Command not found
make[3]: [] Error 127 (ignored)

Ok, I have reproduced this problem on my machine. I know what’s going
wrong. Now it’s a matter of figuring out the right solution to it…


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 01:02:27PM -0700, Johnathan C. wrote:

This appears to originate in line 79 of gr-qtui/src/lib/
There is a variable $(QT_MOC_EXEC) which is null when QT is not
installed on the machine. I not sure this line should even be
executed in this scenario, however, so it seems the real issue is

This particular has been fragile in this area in the past;
it’s another consequence of the requirement for QT apps to use a
pre-compiler to process header files. We may be better off putting
the generated files under version control.

That almost never works, since the installed versions of Qt* (on the
user system) and the version on the “make dist” machine are most
likely different, and incompatible.
