GNU Radio, ControlPort, and ICE and GCC versions

Just a quick note about some software version info.

GCC 4.7 and ICE 3.4.2 don’t play well together. If using GNU Radio on
a machine with GCC 4.7 and you want to use ControlPort, you have two

  • Downgrade to GCC 4.6 (this is by far the easiest), or

  • Upgrade to ICE 3.5.0.

I have verified that ICE 3.50 and GCC 4.7 build GNU Radio and
ContolPort fine. But I had to do a bit of work to get GNU Radio to
handle 3.5 properly because we are expressly looking for 3.4. Also,
when I built 3.5.0 from scratch, there was no PC file. I was able to
copy the PC file from 3.4.2 and just update it accordingly and
everything worked fine from there.
