Newbie here. I would like to know where do I keep modules that I can
include in the Models as well as Controllers in the app? Where do I
store the modules, which files?
Newbie here. I would like to know where do I keep modules that I can
include in the Models as well as Controllers in the app? Where do I
store the modules, which files?
You can put them in the lib folder
Ok If I put them in the lib folder I can include them in both models
and controllers right? Any special syntax I should be aware of? And I
just create a new .rb file in the lib folder and drop the module(s) in
right? Sorry just confirming and Thanks!
Also, if you put
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
in config/application.rb, then you don’t need to use require
No special syntax.
Just ‘require’ to load the module to make the application aware of that
code’s existence. Then include to add the methods of that module to
the model or controller.
module CoolCode
def do_stuff
Rails.logger.debug “do stuff”
require ‘cool_code’
class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
include CoolCode
def index
require ‘cool_code’
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
include CoolCode
def some_method
Hey Dermot, Thanks a Ton that did if for me
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