I got myself rather confused yesterday. It started when I put a
“form_remote_tag” in a helper method. I get the error that _erbout is
not defined. I dug around and found suggestions to put it into a
template and do render(:partial => ‘foo’, …).
I was curious what magic render did that the helper was not doing on its
own. That led me to bump into more confusion. Obviously the code works
but I’m somewhat lost as to how. Here is my specific question.
In render :partial, it calls render_for_text which sets
@performed_render to true. That implies to me that I can not call
render again for another partial but I know from past experience that I
Both of these tie back to the environment that is set up when a template
is rendered. I’d like to know where that code is at and if there is
some high’ish level documentation that can help me get started in
understanding how these things work.
Thank you for your time,