Give it a solution for nginx to support cronolog like apache2

Hello guys,

I’m looking for a good (maybe native) solution to use cronolog with
I found only these two links [1]+[2], but I’m looking for a better
solution like a module or a code upgrade.

Is a native solution in development or maybe give it a nginx patch?


Markus “bionix”


On 01/24/2013 09:53 PM, Markus “bionix(-it)” wrote:

Markus “bionix”

[2] nginx startup script with cronolog · GitHub

Well you could try make a log (error/access) format with
vhost/domain/whatever there and setup single access_log/error_log
location, which would be a fifo with cronolog cronolog connected to it,
note that I have no idea whatever nginx can write to fifo (or will
replace it with a file instead) but worth trying, to not slow down nginx
because of the read-fifo flow you could use ftee (find ftee.c somewhere
on the internet) and open fifo with it forwarding stdout to cronolog.

The above solution sounds like a overkill but if you want realtime

– Piotr.

Maybe tengine is a solution. It can support pipe natively The
is here:

You can configure the cronolog ilke this:

error_log “pipe:/path/to/sbin/cronolog
/path/to/logs/%Y/%m/%Y-%m-%d-error_log” warn;
access_log “pipe:/path/to/sbin/cronolog
/path/to/logs/%Y/%m/%Y-%m-%d-access_log” format;

2013/1/25 Piotr K. [email protected]