Getting weird "no route matches" error, using rspec2 and rails3 (just migrated) but app works

Hi there,

in my main view i have a link to the root_path, which converts to

{:controller => "home", :action => :index}

In every spec i run, i get the error:

No route matches {:controller=>"home"}

While if i run the application in development, everything renders
without any problem and is clickable correctly.

Does anybody have any clues as to what i did wrong?

I should add that the rails application is in the process of being
migrated from rails 2.3.11 to rails 3.
I must have overlooked something, but i can’t see what.

Does anybody have any tips?

More information:

If i run

rspec spec/**/*_spec.rb

I suddenly get the same errors as when using rake spec. So???

rspec spec/controllers/user_controller/*_spec.rb

gives all green, and with the first command those same specs fail ???

without any problem and is clickable correctly.

[EDIT: more findings]

I have done some more digging. The test run perfectly fine in
Rubymine, or if i use the command-line and type

rspec spec/controllers/users_controller/*.spec.rb

But they do not work if I use

rake spec

What is the difference? I have deleted the lib/tasks/rspec.rake file
(which was generated for rspec1) and i can see that the correct
command is executed:

bundle exec rspec

So I am a bit at a loss here.

I found it! It took my a while, eventually i diffed the log-files that
see what happens differently.

Apparently I have on spec file, where we try to test a baseclass.
Inside that spec we define a new controller that derives
from that baseclass, with a dummy index method.

And also we need the routes, so inside that spec the following code
was to be found:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'

and somehow this spec was always run first. This effectively clears
the whole routing configuration i guess.

Not sure if this change is caused by rails3 or rspec2, anyway the
majority of my tests are now working, just need to fix this one
test now.