Getting test method names when getting output

When I run a test file (e.g., ruby test_user.rb), I get the test
output about error and failure and about the overall number of tests,
assertions, pass and so on.

But I would like to see all the test method names including the test
that is passed.

Currently what I can see is a dot (.) indicating a pass.

Is there any way to get a list of tests inside a file?

Hunt J. wrote:

When I run a test file (e.g., ruby test_user.rb), I get the test
output about error and failure and about the overall number of tests,
assertions, pass and so on.

But I would like to see all the test method names including the test
that is passed.

Currently what I can see is a dot (.) indicating a pass.

Is there any way to get a list of tests inside a file?

gem install turn



Hunt J. wrote:

When I run a test file (e.g., ruby test_user.rb), I get the test
output about error and failure and about the overall number of tests,
assertions, pass and so on.

But I would like to see all the test method names including the test
that is passed.

Currently what I can see is a dot (.) indicating a pass.

Is there any way to get a list of tests inside a file?

Turn on verbose:

ruby user_test.rb -v

In terms of style, the _test suffix should not be a prefix, because
everything in your test folder starts with T, and that impairs your
tools, such as command line tab completion.