Getting standard error and output from ruby script in real time

I’m trying to write an editor for ruby in ruby using the KDE4 bindings
ruby and I’m facing a problem which I don’t know whether is caused by
ruby or
by KDE. I want my editor to be able to run a ruby script and display
both the
error messages and the normal output in a window. The problem is that
all the
text sent to the standard output seems to be received together from my
application, and so does the text sent to standard error, even if the
two are
mixed. For example, when I run the following script

5.times do |i|
warn “Warning #{i}”
puts i

the output window of my program displays this:
Warning 0
Warning 1
Warning 2
Warning 3
Warning 4

instead of this (which is what I get if I run the script from terminal)
Warning 0
Warning 1
Warning 2
Warning 3
Warning 4

Since I don’t have much experience on interprocess communication, I
can’t, as
I said, understand if this issue is due to the way ruby prints its
output or
to the tools I use to run the ruby script from my editor, which are
of KDE. I’d be glad if someone could give me a hint on this, so that at
I can know whether I have to look for documentation about ruby or about

Thanks in advance


Stefano C. wrote:

of KDE. I’d be glad if someone could give
me a hint on this, so that at least
I can know whether I have to look for
documentation about ruby or about

It’s to do with buffering. Buffering takes place within Ruby (I think)
but also in the operating system. Stderr is usually unbuffered whereas
stdout is usually buffered. I.e. the output is accumulated in a memory
buffer until it reaches a certain size, then the block is flushed to the
output stream. This is a lot more efficient that outputting it
character-by-character to the output device.

In my experience (various languages and OSes), buffering can cause
problems that are difficult or impossible to resolve.

Stefano C. wrote:

puts i
Warning 3
Thanks in advance


puts is stdout.

On Friday 30 May 2008, Xeno C. wrote:

5.times do |i|
warn “Warning #{i}”
puts i

puts is stdout.

I know that puts writes on standard output, this is what I want it to
do. It’s
warn which outputs to standard error.


On Friday 30 May 2008, Dave B. wrote:

buffer until it reaches a certain size, then the block is flushed to the
output stream. This is a lot more efficient that outputting it
character-by-character to the output device.

In my experience (various languages and OSes), buffering can cause
problems that are difficult or impossible to resolve.

Thanks for the information. I think I’ll look at the source code of some
which does what I want and see how it works.


On May 31, 2008, at 8:50 AM, Stefano C. wrote:

but also in the operating system. Stderr is usually unbuffered

Thanks for the information. I think I’ll look at the source code of
some tool
which does what I want and see how it works.


$stdout.sync = true; $stdout.flush

The #sync setting of true means “unbuffered” (sync’d to the
destination every time). If you build up messages, you can call
#flush on the IO yourself instead.

print "hello "
print “world”
puts “!”


Rob B.
[email protected]

On Saturday 31 May 2008, Rob B. wrote:

$stdout.sync = true; $stdout.flush

The #sync setting of true means “unbuffered” (sync’d to the
destination every time). If you build up messages, you can call
#flush on the IO yourself instead.

print "hello "
print “world”
puts “!”

I don’t think that would work. If I understand correctly what you mean,
should be put in the script which produces the output, not not in the
displaying it. But since the output I want to display is from a script
by the user, I can’t do that.


On May 31, 2008, at 10:16 AM, Stefano C. wrote:

I don’t think that would work. If I understand correctly what you
mean, that
should be put in the script which produces the output, not not in
the one
displaying it. But since the output I want to display is from a
script written
by the user, I can’t do that.

what you want to do is easily accomplished using session.rb

gem install session

note that i wrote to do exactly what you are doing - but it was for
a tk gui. anyhow, you must do this in a background thread as there
are certain things child programs can do (like setvbuf) which can
defeat any counter buffering techniques you may try - so you must
always process the stdout/stderr asynchronously in a background thread
which updates the gui. session makes this trivial to accomplish.

kind regards.

a @

On Sunday 01 June 2008, ara.t.howard wrote:

which updates the gui. session makes this trivial to accomplish.

kind regards.

a @

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being
better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Thanks for telling me about session. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t
work. I
tried with the following code (there’s no ui because I wanted to
how session works before using it in a more complex situation):

require ‘session’ do
sh =
sh.execute( ‘ruby /home/stefano/documenti/scripts/prova.rb’ ) do |out,
puts “Msg: #{out}” if out
puts “Err: #{err}” if err

The result is the same I already got, that is: all the error messages
and all the stdout messages together. At any rate, tried modifiying my

$stdout.sync=true #added line
puts i
warn “Possible error #{i}”
sleep 1 #added line

With the introduction of the two lines marked with ‘added line’, the
output is
the one expected (even if it seems that the order in wich the error
and the stdout message are displayed for each iteration is random).
one of those lines brings it back to the ‘wrong’ behavior.

However, I’ve tried to run the same script using other editors
(kdevelop, scite, netbeans) and the results are the same as mine. This
to mean that there’s not an easy way to accomplish what I want to do.

On May 31, 2008, at 12:16 PM, Stefano C. wrote:

puts “!”
If you have no need to maintain separate streams do the equivalent of
the shell’s:


so that stderr is the same as stdout.


You might want to do that in your child process before exec’ing the
user’s script.


Rob B.
[email protected]