I’m interested in getting my Macbook Ruby installation up to v1.8.6.
the easiest way?
I already have Locomotive, but I was thinking of trying to avoid using
and going with a base Ruby installation so that when I go to iTerm /
Terminals they would see the latest version of Ruby. Fink doesn’t seem
have v1.8.6 listed (only up to v.1.8.5).
I think the easiest way is to simply download the tarball from www.ruby-lang.org and compile it yourself. If you’ve already got the
Xcode tools installed, it’s simply a matter of
sudo make install
And the make sure you’ve got /usr/local/bin in front of /usr/bin in your
I’ve not played with Xcode yet - would I have to download this from the
Apple site? There seems to be a beta type version available of close to
You can install it from your OS X installation disk (look for
XcodeTools.mkpg), or you can download the latest version from here: http://developer.apple.com/.
Ok, I just did this myself. I had some trouble at first, but then I
got it down pat. My instructions:
Download the source from Ruby-lang.
Uncompress it by using that mouse thingy
Open up Terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal)
type ‘cd Desktop/#{your uncompressed ruby folder}/’
type ‘./configure’
type ‘make’
type ‘sudo make install’ and then type in your password
Now here’s the fun part
8. type ‘cd’
9. type ‘sudo pico csh.cshrc’ (if you’re using bash, type .bashrc
instead) and type your password
10. Using your arrow keys, move your cursor to the line that says:
set path = ( $path )
and replace it with
set path = ( /usr/local/bin/:${path} )
press Control-X
press ‘y’
press enter
11. log out, and then log back in
12. type ‘ruby -v’ and voila!
~ Ari
English is like a pseudo-random number generator - there are a
bajillion rules to it, but nobody cares.
Why do you think there is no allready compiled one-click binady .dmg
package for Mac OS X with all of standard tools? In this case the
number of Ruby group will grow aloud, i think. I’ve just compiled Ruby
myself, but it was unpleasant for me to install huge xcode tools.
And now we have just windows compiled one-click package -
Valery, Russia.
I’m interested in getting my Macbook Ruby installation up to v1.8.6.
the easiest way?
Well, if you want to install things like Ruby, or PHP and so on, you
will want to have the Developer Tools installed. They’re a huge and
nice set of tools. Also if you are on OS X, seriously seriously
consider purchasing TextMate. It really is the most Ruby-friendly
editor on OS X. It may be a bit strange to use at first, but there is
also a good book on it as well.
You could use a free editor, or another non-free one, but it won’t
come close.
I’m interested in getting my Macbook Ruby installation up to v1.8.6.
the easiest way?
I already have Locomotive, but I was thinking of trying to avoid using
and going with a base Ruby installation so that when I go to iTerm /
Terminals they would see the latest version of Ruby. Fink doesn’t seem
have v1.8.6 listed (only up to v.1.8.5).
To my way of thinking, it is far easier to use Macports than to install
from source. Simply:
Download MacPorts
Type “sudo port install ruby”
Thats it. Want to update your installation to a newly released version?
sudo port upgrade ruby
Again, easy. Oh, and if you somehow mess something up, you can just
trash your ~/opt/local folder and your system is not affected. Just my 2
Well, if you want to install things like Ruby, or PHP and so on,
you will want to have the Developer Tools installed. They’re a huge
and nice set of tools. Also if you are on OS X, seriously seriously
consider purchasing TextMate. It really is the most Ruby-friendly
editor on OS X. It may be a bit strange to use at first, but there
is also a good book on it as well.
You could use a free editor, or another non-free one, but it won’t
come close.
TextMate is my homey when comes to ruby.
But if you’re going free, then try pumping out some code with
Aquamacs Emacs. GUI editor, colors your code (with various themes
available), an it has auto indenting.
If you’re not living on the edge,
then you’re just wasting space.
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.