Getting nil value when setting an on Join model via a has_many :through relationship

Hi All,

I’ve been trying to figure out what’s wrong here for a little over a
day and figured i’d reach out to the ROR list.

A pastie explains the code a bit better than directly in email:

Basically i have an Artist, and he has many Songs through a join model
called Releases. An artist can be “featured” on a song… take for
example most rap songs where there is more than 1 artist on the

My goal here is to be able to set an artist as the featured on a song
when creating the song… something like this:
Artist.first.featured_songs.create!(:title => “blah”). Rails allows
me to do that with the current association setup (in the pastie above)
BUT for some reason the release.featured attribute is always set to

Anyway ideas?

Thank you!

First off, that’s a crazy datamodel. I would really try to pull that
more if you can. Intuitively, there is a noun missing. This would
make your current problem easier to solve.

That aside, were I trying to solve your problem at hand, I would
probably try using association callbacks

maybe something like:
class Artist
has_many :featured_songs, :through => :releases, :after_add =>

def set_featured_flag(featured_song)

haven’t done this before on a through relationship before, I think

you’ll have to search for the release object
r = Release.where(:artist => self).where(:song => featured_song)
#order by
newest if they’re not unique?
r.featured = true
