Hi everyone,
I need to build a url in my mails view. For restfull resources I can use
routing and “…_url” target. But for custom url I don’t know how I
get the hostname of my web app.
I didn’t know how I can get get the value specified on
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {:host =>
“here_my_host_i_want_get” }
Thanks for reply
I believe you can access it through
Or alternately, you can just generate the URL using url_for()
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 7:34 AM, Vincent Romagnoli
[email protected]wrote:
Hi everyone,
I need to build a url in my mails view. For restfull resources I can use
routing and “…_url” target. But for custom url I don’t know how I
get the hostname of my web app.
I didn’t know how I can get get the value specified on
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {:host =>
“here_my_host_i_want_get” }
What I would do is pass it in on your mailer method… you can get the
name in your controller: request.host. I see action mailer as a model
essentially so you should not couple it to the session.
Tim S. wrote in post #975474:
I believe you can access it through
Or alternately, you can just generate the URL using url_for()
Yes ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] work fine.
Thanks for your help.