Getting hard-drive data into a Rails app: Pre-loading DB table[s] works; how about file access?


I’m writing a Bridge (card game) tester for myself and my partner in
order to improve our bidding. I don’t feel like writing a bunch of
SQL Inserts. I could write a Ruby formatter to take data in the
format I like and generate the SQL. Then I’d run feed that file to
the DBMS. That’d be OK.

I’d like it better if I could simply open my file in a controller and,
for each data line, populate a set of attributes of a new model
instance. Is this feasible? Is there a public example of how this
would be coded?

Thanks in Advance,

On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 16:52 -0700, RichardOnRails wrote:

instance. Is this feasible? Is there a public example of how this
would be coded?

the normal rails way would be to put the data into yml format and then
import the yml file.

You could probably use csv type (using faster_csv plugin).


Hi Craig,

NameBright - Coming Soon

Perfect answer! Many thanks.

Best wishes,