I’m trying to evaluate GUI development with Ruby on Linux and Windows
and currently I decided to try QT and wxWdigets.
Seems it’s not my weekend, I really tried for hours, various attempts
and I could get neither running. I started with Ubuntu 10.10 64bit off
first, not yet settled on the Windows side.
First struggled to realized there’s not gem for it. Downloaded the
sources from
http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/71843/qt4-qtruby-2.1.0.tar.gz and
now I’m sitting there and I’ve no idea what to do. The included INSTALL
refers to Getting Started/Build - KDE TechBase which has
no mentions of ruby whatsoever. The README in contrast gave some
insights and “Install examples”, ultimatively I figured I just need to
run “cmake .”. However it quit with “Could not find Ruby” but ruby is
installed (1.9.1p378 via rvm). I gave up (no idea how to work this out
with cmake, never used it).
With joy I started because I saw wxruby gem, installation goes fine but
fails with
`require’: libwx_gtk2u_media-2.8.so.0: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory
After some googling I came to the conclusion that I’m out of luck as the
wxwidgets provided by Ubuntu seem to miss this feature. No idea I
thought, I can role my own wxwidgets, no? So I downloaded latest source,
but couldn’t compile it because it requires swig 1.3.38 but Ubuntu ships
with 1.3.40. Downloaded and tried to compile swig 1.3.38 but it failed
Modules/swigmod.h:20: error: redeclaration of C++ built-in type ‘bool’
No idea how something like this can happen, so I stopped here. I thought
maybe Ubuntu 10.10 is too new (it’s still beta after all) so I installed
10.04 and I could compile swig 1.3.38 there but failed at compiling
wxwidgets right before the final linking stage (I was almost there!):
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgtk-x11-2.0
No idea why it requires a file not being there or where this file could
be (no result from “apt-cache search” or packages.debian.org ) →
another dead end.
So what I started out as “must be a piece of cake” turned out to be
hours of hours trying various things without outcome. What are you using
when you say you’ve QT or wxWidgets questions? Which distributions and
which Ruby versions are you running?
I’m thankful for any advice for the aforementioned problems.
- Markus