Getting fuzzy search to work


Forgive my ignorance if this has been covered. I searched through the
archives and didn’t find anything.

All the blogs, tutorials, documentation I’m reading on acts_as_ferret
say that to use fuzzy searching, I simply append a ~ to my query.

I’m using Ferret 0.11.3 and the newest (should be) acts_as_ferret
plugin. I can only get perfect matches to show up using a query such

Blog.find_by_contents(“test”), which returns results just fine.

as soon as I add the ~

Blog.find_by_contents(“test~”), I get nothing.

If I use wildcard syntax…

Blog.find_by_contents(“test”), I get results again.

I could be interpreting what I’m reading wrong or I have something
misconfigured, but I’m confused by this.

Can somebody point me in the right direction?


seems we got the same question
i’l keep my eyes on this post