I have a page in which I have a text field and next to that a button ,
when I click on the button it should open window [using Redbox] so that
I can type it in the window and when I give submit in the child window
it shuold close the child window automatically and the inserted value
should be added to the textbox in the parent window.
Please help
This is javascript question. Imagine your textbox have id ‘blabla’.
In your child window, your submit button must invoke this javascript
top.opener.window.document.getElementById(‘blabla’).value =
On Jul 12, 5:03 pm, Unni K. [email protected]
No, I want to use redbox, bcoz when entering data in the field of the
child window, I dont want to allow users to enter datas in the parent
How to do that
On Jul 12, 5:53 pm, Unni K. [email protected]
No, I want to use redbox, bcoz when entering data in the field of the
child window, I dont want to allow users to enter datas in the parent
How to do that
then you can just use
window.document.getElementById(‘blabla’).value =
I don’t know the implementation of redbox. I assume redbox make “modal
window” not using child window. So redbox page is same as in parent