Getopt::Declare 1.23

This is mainly a bug fix release.

What’s Getopt::Declare?

It is yet another command-line parser, that uses regular expressions
in its engine. It is designed to be extremely easy to use, but very


require “Getopt/Declare”
args =<<‘EOF’)

-q, --quiet quiet
-f, --files files:if… input files
-n, --number num:n a float number
-i, --integer num:i an integer number


p args[‘-q’]
p args[‘-f’]
p args.unused

For more information:

What’s new:

1.23 - * Added all samples as Ruby unit tests, which lead to the
of some bugs.
* Fixed silly bug with foundid that would make some parsing not
work (required parameters).
* Fixed a silly bug when parsing from a string file, which
modify the string in place
* Fixed a bug in that would make it not parse Rh+ and Rh- in
cmdline_pvttype demo and other potential regexes.
* Removed 3 warnings from parsing multiple times.
* Fixed a bug with cluster: singles not working.
* Fixed a stack trace bug with optional single text arguments.
* Improved handling of optional integer/float arguments,
them as nil instead of 0 as before.
* Added ‘used’ function to allow returning the flags that are
* Made CSV demo work again, albeit I am not too happy with the

Neat-o. Thanks, gga. I learned something new from your example code
too… that having a closing paren around the start of a heredoc
string is OK. Cool!

Duane J.