Get the Windows OS Login name using Ruby?

Do you know if there is a way to get the Windows OS Login name using
Ruby? I can do this with VB but haven’t found a way to do this in Ruby.


May not be pretty, but you can always do

username=%x[echo %USERNAME%].strip

A decent sized list of windows environmental variables is here:

That said I think there is s nice builtin way of accessing windows
environmental variables in ruby, but it’s been so long I’d probably
just shell out using %x :slight_smile:

I don’t know of a way. You could look at the Ruby on Windows blog [ ] or search Google while waiting for
others to reply.


That said I think there is s nice builtin way of accessing windows
.sub!(" s “,” a ")

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:08 AM, Mmcolli00 Mom
[email protected]wrote:

Do you know if there is a way to get the Windows OS Login name using
Ruby? I can do this with VB but haven’t found a way to do this in Ruby.


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“Hey brother Christian with your high and mighty errand, Your actions
so loud, I can’t hear a word you’re saying.”

-Greg Graffin (Bad Religion)

On Friday 17 April 2009 11:12:27 Kyle S. wrote:

May not be pretty, but you can always do

username=%x[echo %USERNAME%].strip
That said I think there is s nice builtin way of accessing windows
environmental variables in ruby, but it’s been so long I’d probably
just shell out using %x :slight_smile:


Was that so hard? Or does that not work on Windows?

Mmcolli00 Mom wrote:

Do you know if there is a way to get the Windows OS Login name using
Ruby? I can do this with VB but haven’t found a way to do this in Ruby.

require ‘etc’
p Etc.getlogin


gem install sys-admin
require ‘sys/admin’
p Sys::Admin.get_login



Wow, funny enouhg, I don’t recall using ENV before. Nice.
And I just verified on a windows box, yea that does work.