class RubyStock
def initialize
require ‘net/http’
def RubyStock::getStocks(symbols)
myHash = RubyStock::getStocks(“IBM”,“YHOO”,“RHAT”,“MSFT”,“AOL”);
myHash.each { |key,value,v1|
print “Symbol is: #{key}…”;
print “FullName: #{value[‘Name’]}…”;
print “Price: #{value[‘Price’]}\n”;
It generates the output like
Symbol is: YHOO…FullName: “YAHOO INC”…Price: 26.18
Symbol is: AOL…FullName: “AOL”…Price: 0.00
Symbol is: MSFT…FullName: “MICROSOFT CP”…Price: 28.73
Symbol is: RHAT…FullName: “RED HAT INC”…Price: 16.67
Symbol is: IBM…FullName: “INTL BUSINESS MAC”…Price: 91.41
As we know by appending ‘o’, ‘c’, ‘v’, ‘g’, ‘t1’, d1’ to the URL we can
get opening price, change, high, low, time, date, etc.
But I am unable to get Opening price, change, high, low, time, date etc.
What should be the modification in code to achieve this. Please send me
the code. Thanks in advance.