I am trying to work with the read_gpio() function that is found in the
dboard_iface.cpp file. I am trying to read the io_rx[15 - 0] pins on the
basic_rx daughterboard. I am able to read the pins using this function
time, but I am unable to continuously read the pins. Could anyone give
advise or help on how I could continuously read the pins? I was also
wondering if there is a read_gpio() function available in python? Thank
very much for your help and time.
Thank you for your help Frederick. The problem that I am having is that I
don’t really understand how I can get the read_gpio() value into my python
code. Once I get the value to my python code, then I will be able to create
a loop that continuously reads the pins.
I’m not 100% sure, but I think all c++ files has to go through SWIG in
order to be used in python. Have you tried to importing the class?
example: from uhd import dboard_iface or imort dboard_iface
or something along those lines.
After importing you can probably run something like:
gpio_value = read_gpio( unit )
and that should give you your value. Perhaps someone that know this
can give a more complete answer.