GeoIP support for other geo databases?


I am using the GeoIP module with the MaxMind database. The module
works great and does exactly what I need, but I find the quality of the
data from MaxMind to be lacking. For example, even the paid MaxMind
database does not have ZIP codes for many of the IPs here in the US.
For my application, a valid ZIP code is very desirable.

Has anyone looked at extending the GeoIP module to support other geo
database providers like Digital Element? Only one database is required
at a time, obviously, but it would be desirable to have a choice of
database providers. I don’t mind digging into the GeoIP code, but
thought I would ask first.



Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 12:05:49PM -0500, dbanks wrote:

at a time, obviously, but it would be desirable to have a choice of
database providers. I don’t mind digging into the GeoIP code, but
thought I would ask first.

You may import any database you want with geo module. Geoip
module is specifically to work with MaxMind’s GeoIP library (and
you’ll unlikely will be able to produce correct binary database
files for it…).

Maxim D.