Hi All,
In my new project i am using geocoder gem for finding the
nearest things to a location can i use it for two different models
like i have a volunteer model
and party model
when ever a party created
i should find the volunteers which are near to a party.
On Oct 13, 2011, at 3:51 AM, venkata reddy wrote:
Hi All,
In my new project i am using geocoder gem for finding the
nearest things to a location can i use it for two different models
like i have a volunteer model
and party model
when ever a party created
i should find the volunteers which are near to a party.
Can you post what you’ve tried? I was just working on this last night,
with great success, so I may be able to help you.
The two different models are Party and volunteer.
I have to find all the volunteers who are near to a party.
Here is mycode
def show
@party = Party.find(params[:id])
@volunteers = Volunteer.near(@party.latitude, @party.longitude,
10, :order => :distance)
show.html.erb in party views
<% for volunteer in @volunteers %>
- <%= link_to volunteer.first_name, volunteer %> (<%= volunteer.distance.round(2) %> miles) <% end %>
But i am getting the following error
undefined method `to_coordinates’ for 17.4359:Float
Got it
it should be @volunteers = Volunteer.near([@party.latitude,
@party.longitude], 10, :order => :distance)
venkata reddy wrote in post #1026555:
Got it
it should be @volunteers = Volunteer.near([@party.latitude,
@party.longitude], 10, :order => :distance)
Thank you, venkata! Very little clear and concise documentation out
there and this kind of help is much appreciated!