Does anyone know if there is a ruby/rails version of a generic soap
client like this one:
Or, sort of like the scaffolding generated by ActionWebService with the
following differences:
-it can be created just from a WSDL; that is, doesn’t need to be in the
same app as the service; and
-supports array and complex type parameters
In other words, I want a rails app that will, given a wsdl, generate a
page for each method allowing me to populate the method parameters in a
form, then click submit and see the results of the SOAP call (merely
displaying the SOAP response
would be enough).
Does anyone know of such a thing?
I may work on something like it but want to be sure it isn’t already out
Here is the simple SOAP Client (only 4 lines of code) to get handle on
actual SOAP object
This a quick of getting what you want, then you can get fancy with
ActionWebService API to create your wrapper around the SOAP service.
rshetty wrote:
Here is the simple SOAP Client (only 4 lines of code) to get handle on
actual SOAP object
This a quick of getting what you want, then you can get fancy with
ActionWebService API to create your wrapper around the SOAP service.
Thanks, but that’s not quite what I want. In that example, the method
that you call and the parameters you pass are hardcoded. Sure, I can
introspect on the ‘service’ object and see what methods it has, but I
really need a formal list of parameters with types in order to do what I
want to do, which is: dynamically create a web interface with the
appropriate form items such that when I submit the form, the web
service method is called over soap. It seems like there are methods in
the WSDL and SOAP packages that might give me what I want, but they are
not documented in the rdoc–does anyone know of a place where these
libraries are explained in more detail?
Anyway, that’s more of a ruby question, and the reason I posted this on
the rails list was that I was hoping something along these lines already
existed as a rails app. I would use the generic client that’s available
online except:
-the services I want to test are behind a firewall
-that client is windows-only and I am not.